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The Community Action Party is committed to working with elderly people to help develop a cohesive community that is inclusive of all ages.

The Party recognises that the needs of people change as they age. The Party will work with the elderly, carers, relevant agencies, and the wider community to support 'active ageing': making ageing a positive experience for individuals and the community.


The Party recognises that social isolation is a significant issue for some people as they age. The Party is committed to giving people of all ages the opportunity to be fully engaged in the community life of the ACT.
The Party believes in facilitating positive interaction between young and elderly residents of the ACT. We will promote cross-generational programs in schools and in the wider community whereby young and old can learn new skills together. Where existing members desire it, the Party will facilitate the broadening of senior citizen clubs into community clubs to help break down generation gaps. The Party will support activities that bring generations together, e.g. equestrian, chess and other games, woodwork and other crafts, including expansion of the 'Men's Sheds' network.
The Party supports the development of multiuse care facilities integrated with the wider community.
The Party encourages enthusiastic older people to remain actively engaged in the workforce. We are committed to ensuring that businesses appreciate the advantages of employing older workers, and do not discriminate on the basis of age. The Party supports encouraging retired managers to mentor less experienced staff.


The Party recognises that people generally prefer to age in their own home and community.
The Party supports the provision of adaptable housing: housing that is accessible, appropriate and affordable to those with special needs, including elderly people.
The Party will work with industry and the wider community to introduce requirements for adaptable housing into building and development codes and standards. All new public housing will be adaptable housing.
The Party supports the provision of appropriate services, facilities and infrastructure to meet the needs of ageing residents of the ACT.
The Party supports the provision of accessible, reliable and affordable public transport options for the elderly.
The Party will plan for the future by integrating the needs of older people into a long-term strategic plan for the ACT. This includes earmarking undeveloped land within safe walking distance of services and facilities for elderly accommodation.


The Party acknowledges that elder abuse—physical, emotional, and financial—is a matter of grave concern that needs to be addressed.
The Party supports a code of practice that is developed cooperatively with service providers, government, staff, volunteers and carers to ensure the safety of the vulnerable while encouraging valuable volunteers to stay involved.

Government services

The Party recognises the complex and varied health needs of the elderly and will ensure that additional resources are provided for rehabilitation support, occasional care, respite care, and palliative care.
The Party will negotiate with other governments on reciprocal arrangements to ensure that the ACT Seniors Card is recognised throughout Australia.
The Party will press the ACT's Federal Representatives to support the appropriate indexation of Superannuation and Defence Force pensions.