The Community Action Party values the ACT's history and heritage including Indigenous sites, buildings of architectural and cultural significance, and other features that have historic, scientific, aesthetic, social or traditional importance.
Our heritage is at risk because heritage is not adequately valued by the current ACT Government. This is particularly true for public places and buildings. The 'liquid heart of Canberra', Lake Burley Griffin, warrants special protection. Government funding has been inadequate, and heritage assessment and protection has been given a low priority.
The Party will address this situation by ensuring the integrity and efficiency of heritage assessment and management.
The Party will give greater independence to Heritage ACT to allow it to effectively oversee heritage management for the ACT.
The Party will insist that the ACT Heritage Council is genuinely independent with its own adequately resourced secretariat.
The Party will ensure open and transparent appointment of Heritage Council members.
The Party will encourage Heritage ACT to improve its approach to heritage identification, assessment and management.
The Party will seek to amend the Heritage Act to avoid delays and enable timely progress from nomination, to assessment, listing and heritage protection.
The Party supports improved investigation and protection of Aboriginal heritage in the ACT.
The Party will significantly increase Heritage ACT's resources, including the recruitment of additional staff members.
The Party will provide additional funding to the ACT Heritage Grants program to ensure that more eligible heritage-based projects are undertaken with adequate accountability arrangements in place.
The Party will examine funding for the National Trust (ACT Branch).
The Party will boost heritage awareness and promotion in particular through restoring a dedicated Heritage Week and festival in April each year.
The Party supports an ACT museum and archive that works with schools and communities to celebrate the ACT's history and heritage.
The Party believes we should endeavour to document our early oral history while it is still possible.