The Community Action Party values the contribution of sport and recreation to the physical and psychological wellbeing of the ACT community. These activities bring communities together across the generations through fun and leisure activities.
However, chronic under-investment by the ACT Government has caused a decline in the quality and use of the ACT's sporting and recreational infrastructure. This is particularly true of facilities for junior and recreational athletes that are poorly maintained or under threat of disposal. New and/or upgraded facilities are urgently required for many sports in many communities.
The Party will work with communities and sporting organisations to ensure the sustainable provision of high quality facilities for sport, training, and recreation across the ACT.
Junior level
The Party will promote closer links between junior sporting clubs and school communities to cooperatively develop sporting programs that are accessible and enjoyable.
The Party believes that well-maintained and environmentally-sustainable sports facilities and well-equipped sports programs are essential to ongoing participation in every public school.
The Party supports the inclusion of at least 30 minutes of physical activity in every child's school day to have fun, exercise and develop basic sporting skills.
The Party supports investment in developing coaching and training skills in the wider community for the benefit of junior sport.
Recreational level
The Party recognises that safe sporting and recreational facilities combined with an effective activity-promotion program will encourage participation of all sectors of the community in physical activities.
The Party is committed to maintaining the recreational facilities that occupy the environmental corridors of the ACT, such as horse paddocks, riding, walking and cycling trails, recognising the benefits to the social, environmental and health benefits to the ACT community.
The Party will maintain the ban on recreational powerboats and jet-skis on Lake Burley Griffin.
The Party recognises that the reestablishment of a drag strip in the ACT is the sincere desire of a significant proportion of the Canberra population. We support the construction of a drag strip at Williamsdale, alongside a multipurpose motor sport complex to service Canberra's 65 auto clubs, provided relevant environmental and community concerns are adequately addressed. This will also help to mitigate illegal street racing in Canberra's suburbs.
The Party will pressure the Government to make it mandatory for Canberra clubs that own and operate poker machines to increase their financial contribution to community groups from the current level of 8 per cent of gross operating profits to 20 per cent over the next four years.
Elite and professional levels
Elite athletes are well provided for in the ACT with the Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra Stadium, and other major venues. The Party supports the upgrade to AIS facilities, but not at the expense of selling off its land for housing.
The Party will explore ways to encourage the formation of a professional, financially sound A-League football (soccer) team in the ACT.
The Party supports the inclusion of Canberra in the FIA Formula E world championship for electric cars. This would require minimal infrastructure, and in addition to attracting large numbers of spectators, it may attract hi-tech investment in related areas.
The Party will support a sensitive upgrading of Manuka Oval to enable the hosting of test cricket, major AFL matches, and other popular sporting events, but not its wholesale re-development against the wishes of the local community.
Professional sports and recreational organisations will be encouraged to provide facilities and services to the community at reasonable cost.
The Party is opposed to the sale and redevelopment of land originally gifted by the community to sports clubs. If such land is no longer required for sporting activities it should be returned free of charge to the community.