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  • Community Action Party

    A dynamic alliance of ACT residents, community groups and business people working to establish balanced government and to make our Capital a better and more affordable place to live

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Robyn moved to Canberra 8 years ago.  Her working life was in the heritage industry in New Zealand and rural Australia, including 9 years in Griffith NSW, which also owes its original form to Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney.  She first visited Canberra in 1958 on a family tour of the highlights but her great grandparents in Cootamundra were proud supporters of Federation and the formation of the national capital.


In the forthcoming election, the Community Action Party supports the Minor Parties Pact. We ask our supporters to vote for us, and then the other minor parties and independents (we may offer specific recommendations later), leaving the major parties blank on the ballot paper. While obviously a blunt weapon, this appears to be the only plausible method to broaden community representation in the Legislative Assembly.


Alvin moved to Canberra over 30 years ago and lives in Dickson. As a government lawyer he drafted legislation for the Commonwealth and the ACT. He has a PhD in Constitutional Law. With no house of review as a check on executive power, many ACT laws are passed without proper scrutiny. If elected, Alvin will rigorously examine proposed legislation. Alvin is actively involved in his church and is a keen member of the Canberra Welsh Society. He plays bridge and enjoys walking our hill trails.

Another Good Reason to be Active in CAP

We came together to form the Community Action Party from a wide range of backgrounds and with a variety of motives: to improve the efficiency of government in the ACT; to strengthen the accountability of our elected representatives, or simply to make a difference to the way the ACT is run. Now it seems there is another reason to be politically active: it makes you feel happier! Recently published research by two university psychologists from Germany and America has confirmed Aristotle's 2,400-year-old observation that community activism fulfils a fundamental human need.

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