The Community Action Party recognises the unique place the ACT's Indigenous people occupy in our collective history. The Party believes in equality of opportunity for the ACT's Indigenous people.
The Indigenous community of the ACT is very small, about one per cent of the total population. Relative to the general ACT population, Canberra's Indigenous people are disadvantaged. From educational attainment to employment prospects and from life expectancy to criminal activity, this situation has shown little improvement over recent years. It has even deteriorated in some respects.
The Party will work with the ACT Indigenous community, the broader ACT community, business, and government and non-government agencies to address the underlying causes of Indigenous disadvantage.
Community participation
The Party supports positive interaction between the Indigenous and other communities in the ACT.
The Party is opposed to acts of tokenism and sham consultation with the ACT Indigenous community.
The Party supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and Indigenous Constitutional recognition.
The Party is totally opposed to all forms of prejudice and discrimination against the Indigenous community and will promote public education programs to foster a genuine appreciation of Indigenous cultures.
The Party supports measures that encourage positive child development, including the provision of academic support for Indigenous students to improve educational outcomes.
Social Services
The Party supports the equitable provision of social services to Indigenous families.
The Party believes that where practicable, Indigenous involvement in the management and delivery of services for Indigenous residents should be encouraged.
The Party supports measures to improve the economic wellbeing of the Indigenous community, including encouraging governments and businesses to increase job opportunities for Indigenous residents of the ACT.
Law and Order
The Party supports initiatives that help to prevent violence, crime and self-harm in the ACT Indigenous community.
The Party supports greater use of diversionary programs and restorative justice to reduce criminal behaviour, including within the Indigenous community.
The Party supports an increase in the number of Indigenous liaison officers within the ACT legal system.
The Party supports improved investigation and protection of Aboriginal heritage in the ACT.