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The Community Action Party recognises that the ACT is a vibrant and creative community of people from a diverse array of linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

Unfortunately, some forms of racial prejudice and discrimination still persist in the ACT. The Party will work with the various communities, business, and Government and non-government agencies to build a strong, safe and harmonious ACT community that is fully inclusive.

Community participation

The Party will promote respect, tolerance, and cooperation between the different cultural communities in the ACT.


The Party supports the teaching of languages other than English as a core component of the curriculum at all levels of education.
The Party supports the provision of additional Government resources for the Ethnic Schools Association to help young people maintain connections with their cultural roots.
The Party supports additional Government resources for programs that teach English as a second language so that migrants are not disadvantaged in Australian society. Sufficient funding should be provided to meet existing needs and an integrated family approach should be adopted.
The Party is totally opposed to all forms of prejudice and discrimination against minority communities and will promote public education programs to foster a greater appreciation of minority cultures.

Social Services

The Party supports the accessible and culturally sensitive provision of social services to migrants and refugees in the ACT.
The Party believes that the Government could do more to help refugees adjust to their new life in Australia and feel welcomed into the ACT community.

Arts and Culture

The Party supports international exchange programs and sister city relationships that promote cultural exchanges between ACT residents and overseas communities.
The Party supports continued ACT Government funding for the National Multicultural Festival, a unique event that enriches the lives of ACT residents.
The Party supports greater transparency and accountability in the management of the Theo Notaris Multicultural Centre.